Umm what? Moments ago I received an email from the Facebook Developer platform indicating that their systems have “recently restricted [my] personal account from creating new applications”. I have one application using the Facebook API which I know for a fact is NOT being used for abuse/spam… I even checked the logs to see what calls are being made to Facebook.

To make matters even better for me in a moment of panic, I just had to do a security check upon logging in to Facebook for some random reason and now have my developer applications blocked from accessing FB API for an “indefinite” amount of time that cannot be reversed. Then I received a “Please Login again” message a few minutes after being logged in. This scared me a little because it either means something is wrong or someone else is using my account and possibly changed the password. I logged in again quickly and was greeted with ANOTHER security check to verify my identity. Okay what the fuck?
This happened once more for a third time which prompted me to immediately change my password until I can figure out what happened. Facebook, you can’t do this to users without a reason/explanation. This is why very specific error messages are necessary and not vague “your account could potentially be spam” messages that freak out even technically-experienced users such as myself.
Which leads me to my final concern: my password is a randomly generated 256-bit key saved in KeyPass, so how in the hell did someone either guess it or how did my account get flagged?
I’ve never really liked Facebook and this is sort of the tipping point for me. I don’t need the “internet ego” so I’m done with this social network. I realize this has a major impact on my family life as this is basically my only lifeline to them. It’s ok because if you need to get a hold of me, find me on Twitter if you need to contact me. You can also email me too, but for now you won’t find me on Facebook.